Thursday, 29 April 2010

Banner 2010

Thanks to the Banner of Truth Trust for organising another fine conference for ministers at Leicester (April 26-29).

We had a winsome start from Wyn Hughes (Cardiff) reminding us from Romans 1:17 of why we value the gospel. O. Palmer Robertson gave us a treat with three very different but equally spell-binding addresses. The first was on prayer, introducing us to Matthew Henry's 'A Method for Prayer', which Palmer is revising for publication in modern format next year. This should be an invaluable resource to refresh our sometimes tired public prayers and indeed our private praying. The second address was a wonderful biography of a missionary of whom no-one had heard - William Hoppe Murray - in what is now Malawi in the early 20th Century. The 10-fold challenge of this man was powerful, but his humanity was as attractive and inspired us without depressing us. Thirdly came a fine call to preach the gospel to all nations, reminding us that the 'mystery' of the gospel, now revealed, was not just that the gospel was for Gentiles, but that it was for Gentiles on equal terms with the Jew. There is no advantage, in terms of salvation, in being a Jew now, he said - see his 'The Israel of God' for more on this excellent and refreshing approach to the issue of Israel today.

Iain D. Campbell gave two stirring addresses on the Lord's Day.The first was a biblical -panoramic survey of the sabbath rest, something Iain does so well as he brings the whole Bible to bear on his subject. Some may have wished for a bit more exegetical detail and support for his main argument in the second address - that the Lord's Day still stands. But for those convinced it was a fine exhortation on the potential and hope for the Lord's Day.

Ted Donnelly closed with a moving sermon on Peter's response to the Lord after the resurrection - 'Lord you know everything' - John 21:15-17. It was a heartwarming and encouraging way to end the conference.

As well as all this there was the usual good fellowship and renewed acquaintances. A good four days which always goes all too quickly each year.


  1. No mention of Liam Goligher?

  2. No - no mention of Liam Goligher. I was utilising the bloggers' prerogative of an entirely personal view, referring only to those sessions in which I found blessing. Whose fault that was, is, of course, another question!
